Edu Kitchen Logo

Develop life skills

young adults shopping together, practicing life skills at eds change

The program will cover the following areas:

icon spatula

Food preparation, barista skills, cooking, baking, food safety & hygiene.

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Money skills, budgeting, personal hygiene, cleaning & maintenance.

icon socialize three people

Social skills, customer service, living skills, washing clothes & drying clothes.

Example program

Below you can see an example program of the Edu.Kitchen Life Skills program for young adults. Each example-week is mapped with a task-description, skill focus and learning outcome.


Skill focus

Learning outcome

Week 1

Social and cooking

Working with others to make sandwiches with different fillings

All participants can make a sandwich and choose two fillings.

Week 2

Budgeting and cooking

Preparing a budget for small bites lunch and cooking lunch.

All participants know the cost of a small bite and can make a simple small bite to share with friends.

Week 3

Budgeting and cooking

Preparing a budget for afternoon tea cooking lunch.

All participants know the cost of a chosen tea item and can prepare and bake the item with assistance.

Week 4

Food safety and cooking

Learning how to store food and cooking a healthy lunch.

All participants know basic food storage procedures and can prepare a healthy lunch (with assistance).

Week 5

Food safety and cooking

Handling and storing meat/dairy. Cooking a BBQ lunch.

All participants know basic food storage procedures for meat/dairy and can assist with cooking a BBQ.

Week 6

Food preparation and cooking

Preparing and cooking a family size lunch (part 1).

All participants know the quantities needed to feed 6 people.

Week 7

Food safety and cooking

Preparing and cooking a family size lunch (part 2).

All participants know they can assist in cooking for 6 people.

Week 8

Budgeting and cooking

Preparing a budget for a birthday party and baking a birthday cake.

All participants know the cost of a chosen birthday party item and can prepare and bake a birthday cake.

Week 9

Budgeting and cooking

Preparing a budget for bake sale and cooking a range of baked goods.

All participants know the cost of a chosen baked item and can prepare and bake the item.

Week 10

Food safety and cooking

Handling and storing frozen food. Cooking a meal from frozen foods.

All participants know basic food storage procedures for frozen food and can cook a meal using frozen ingredients.

Week 11

Food preparation and cooking

Preparing fresh made pasta and cooking pasta dishes.

All participants can assist with preparing pasta and are able to cook a pasta dish.

Week 12

Budgeting and cooking

Budgeting for the Christmas party. Cooking a simple lunch.

All participants can budget for a Christmas party.

Week 13

Cooking and social

Hosting a Christmas Party

All participants can cook Christmas party food and host a party for friends and family.

young adult planning to bake at eds change with picture guides