Edu Future Logo

The Edu.Future program looks to develop individuals entrepreneurial skills

young adult girl with a disability working on computer

The aims of the programs are:

  • To identify a product you would like to make and sell
  • Create a budget for this product
  • Source the materials for the production of your product
  • Create a name and brand for your product
  • Create an online platform to sell your product
  • Advertise and market your product on social media
  • Correspond with customers via email and messenger
  • Learn fundamental e-safety skills

All participants will be required to be actively involved in creating and selling their products. This process will be self paced but there will be an expectation of active involvement.

This program will run from 9am to 3pm on Mondays.

Our programs provide a bridge between the high school curriculum and tertiary education settings foundation certificates and are designed by qualified teachers.


The program will cover the following areas:

Website design, branding, blogging, podcasting & graphic design. 

icon badge star

E-safety, writing, business skills, sales, & correspondence.

icon socialize three people

Teamwork, project planning & facilitating workshops.

Session costs

Our session costs are based on need in relation to the NDIS.

When signing up for the program, you will be presented with the two options for support level needed, as well as a section where you can specify any additional information to help us prepare in order to meet the young adults needs.

How is the payment covered?

The payment is covered by the NDIS-Access community social and rec activity (standard). Private payment is also accepted and will be requested via invoice weekly.

young adults playing ball together, practicing social skills at the eds change life skill program

1:1 support​

$ $62 per hour
  • Total per weekly session is $372.
  • Activity costs - $10 (includes all food for activities + lunch).

1:2 support​

$ $34 per hour
  • Total per weekly session is $204.
  • Activity costs - $10 (includes all food for activities + lunch).